
I'm a 30 Seconds to Mars's Believer

I'm a 30 Seconds to Mars's Believer

Sunday, August 19, 2012

This sucks

Hello Muslims and Non-Muslims

It's raya today but it gsucks.
I mean.
Busan gila.
Ta keluar konvoi pun.
Sesi salam bersalaman and crying2 pun tada lagi.
Duit raya apetah lagi.
I dont wear makeups and fancy things just for lepaking around and hantar bontrot with motorcycles.
Dah la tahun ni ramai ta balik.
Dengan kehadiran teknologi turut menjadi salah satu faktor penyumbang kebosanan raya tahun ini.
I mean.
Semua duduk around with their DSLR , PSP, phone,tabs and lappy.
This sucks rock.
Better duduk kat asrama and study for exams kut.
And this is some of the picture for the first raya :

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