
I'm a 30 Seconds to Mars's Believer

I'm a 30 Seconds to Mars's Believer

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

'oh...frackalacking jabberwocking gramfadidling..oh...framcheese!'


nak tahu ta farackalacking nih ape?
kalau korang baca buku Emily The Strange : The Lost Day tu maybe korang akan tahu.
according to my understanding,
that word is a cussed word.
ayat penuh nye macam nih:

'oh...frackalacking jabberwocking gramfadidling..oh...framcheese..!'

so maksud nya tiap2 kali korang baca entry aku korang mencarut la ye!
tu bukan nye strong word pun.

ingat lagi dulu aku dengang Daya selalu cuba try sebut bende yang penuh kat atas 
tuh laju2. hehe..
miss her :D
tadi lela asyik tersasul je.
asek tersebut nama daya.
and know what?
before daya pergi,
dia ada tinggal kan warkah untuk kitorang,
macam wasiat la lebih kurang..
dia tulis untuk satu kelas.
and dia amanahkan supaya lela baca
and it was like this:

Farah,jangan buat hal masa aku tade. Jangan melawan or buat something yang awak tau kite ta suke. Belajar rajen-II and dapatkan tidur yang cukup or awak akan mengantuk time kimia nanti. Haha. Jangan makan banyak-II,nanti gemuk,crush ta pandang. Hehe kidding. Be a good girl and daughter kay! Jgn lupe doakan aku kat umrah t. And postkan kacang juga! Haha. Sayang awak <3

Credit to Masyi <3

Laila,makcik!! aku akan rindu na menanguk kat rumah kau lepas balek sekolah. Lepas ni save la kredit kau,haha. Kalau ta, aku je yg tukang habeskan. Jangan menangis lagi kay,ta lawa mate kau nanti :3 Kau! Kalau ta faham math or addmath,rajen-II la buka mulut bertanya,aku da tade nak tolong kau. Kalau ta faham juga,pergi tuisyen addmath, RM 5 je,jangan kedekut sangat. HAHA. and and makan SAYUR! aku tau balik nanti,kau da ta keding,HEHE. Okay? Sayang kau <3

sayang kau Daya!
Miss her so much.
and mase lela baca surat tuh,
aku menangis .
sedih sangat..
macam ta percaya je yang kitorang dah berpisah.
time lela tengah baca pun,
last2 tuh dia dah ta buleh bace dah.
dia pun memangis,
last2 may kei tulung habeskan..
time tuh Teacher Azazura ada sekali,
she's our BI teacher,
dia pun macam sedih je ku tengok..

OMG daya, rindu sangat2 kat kau...:(

serius tadi busan kau tade..
dah ta buleh dah dengar kau dengan zul bertekak..
padahal hati masing2 sayang :3
dah tadapat dah dengar zul cakap kat faiz berulang2 kali:
'cuba kau tanye aku...'
dah tadapat tengok faiz si hot stuff tu lagi...

aku ingat lagi masa form 3,
time tuh kat kelas bilik mesyuarat tuh,budak2 target,
time tuh aku tengah minum milo.
and korang,zul and daya,poya and laila duduk depan aku,
daya buat lawak,
lepas tuh milo yang aku tengah minum tu tersembur kat baju zul !
missed that moment!

hope korang are doing fine kat sana.
aku sentiasa doakan korang :D


back to today vaashappening!
tadi saw my crush no.2 a LOT of time.
and of course la everytime aku ternampak crush aku aku macam
jadi sewel sikit.
hey! i cant help it okay..hehe..

and tadi dia tegur aku and aku macam..
my heads stuck in a cloud~


comel2 :D
and masa balik pun terserempak dengan dia,
and my head stuck in a cloud one more time!

gotta stop talking.
im hungry meh!
bye peeps :D
i'm developing feelings for you crush.

Dear Crush,
No high hopes, no expectations. Just go with the flow.
Sincerely,your dont want to get hope too high girl.

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

they're goin'



May Allah ease all our tasks this week :)

ya. aku tau aku cakap entry semalam tu entry yang last.
but then i heard this news.
a heartbreaking news.
and right now i'm crying.
patut la dua tiga hari ni aku asyik nangis je.
should've known something goin to happen.

this matter.
heartbreaking untuk aku je.
but it will be a heartwarming for them.

tadi daya mesej aku.
dia cakap rabu nih dia pindah.
aku tanya la kat mana.
dia kata dia dapat pergi SBPI Selandar.
sama dengan Faiz.
korang deserve it :D
hope korang dapat ramai kawan and banyak gila happy mo.

zulfiqar pulak dapat pegi SAMURA.
and Congrats kat kau jugak.
kau pun totally deserve it :D

ramai gia tinggalkan aku tahun nih.

sedih sangat.
aku asyik nangis je tadi.
kawan2 aku semua nak pindah
tinggal aku dengan lela je.
twin aku pindah.
nti sape nak dengar bebel aku.
nanti sapa nak dengar aku cerita pasal crush.
sedih sangat.
tapi aku ta boleh la selfish.
itu hak diorang.
untuk future diorang.
sometime we have to berkorban.
for the better future.

I know You are there Allah&#8230;
I know You see my tears&#8230;
I know You hear my prayers&#8230;
I know You are testing me&#8230;
And all I ask from You is to strengthen my Imaan so I can handle the struggles in life and have patience.
Please keep me safe.

Daya, jaga diri baik2.
kita sayang awak macam adik beradik kndung tau.
Kat sana jangan lupa makan, study elok2,cari kawan2 yang pandai.
rajin2 kan diri.
Jangan tinggal solat,
jangan lupa kita,
ingat Allah, sesungguhnya dia Maha Pendengar.
Kita minta maaf kalau kita ada buat salah kat awak selama nih.
Sesungguhnya kita hanya manusia biasa.
Kita harap awak tak lupakan kita nanti.
Nampaknya nanti bila kita nak pergi buat 'umrah,
daya tadapat nak say bye2 and doakan kta.
and nampaknya kita tadapat la nak belikan kacan untuk daya.
tapi nanti kita post laju.
nanti kat Tanah Suci nanti kita doakan untuk daya,
kita akan doakan segala yang baik untuk daya :D
daya sentiasa dalam doa kita.
Daya, sesungguhnya daya seorang yang sangat memahami,
seorang yang kuat dan tabah, yan matang dan pendek.
sebab tu kita sayang daya,
daya dah banyak kali dengar luahan kita,
tapi ta pernah jemu,.
begitu juga kta.
kita ta pernah jemu dengar luahan daya,
kita kan twin.
mana boleh jemu :D
hope walaupun kita jauh,
daya akan sentiasa ingat kat kita,
daya la Bestfriend yang paling best.

Ya Allah,
berikan la aku kekuatan.
Sesungguhnya hamba mu ini lemah dalam mengahadapi
dugaan mu.

ya Allah, You are Most Merciful.


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Friday, February 24, 2012

heels up.


ok. '
entry ni mostly lots and lots and pictures.
but if you're too lazy,
just scroll down to the bottom.
that's my real entry <3

ni masa kecik2 je.

When your crush stares and smiles at you.



When i saw my crush:

that's all.
saje je.
been spending a LOT of time kat tumblr baca bende2 gitu.
and it really makes me feel glad.
at least.
bukan aku sorang je la yang phatetic dalam dunia nih
having a crush and he doesnt know a thing about it.
by the way.
when scrolling kat tumblr tadi,
ada satu blog yang cool sangat!
tumblrblog tu adalah a place where..
crushers tell what are they really feel about their crush
but didint have the guts to tell him.
and i was like.
and then ada la submit a coup or two kat situ. haha

here's the site's link:
or this one kalau korang nak post feelings gak:

and dalam banyak2 letters to crush kat situ,
aku palaing minat gila yang nih:

'I suck at displaying my emotions with you. I do. And I hate it.
So here. (I’ll work on the in person thing.)
You know when you have a really really great dream, and you’re super happy, and then you kinda wake up halfway, and drift back off to sleep, hoping to keep the dream? You know the feeling when you get that awesome dream back immediately and continue with it? Yeah. That feeling.
When you have to take a walk, run or bike ride somewhere and the sun is shining, and it’s warm, but not too hot, and the grass is really green and the bees are buzzing? That happiness.
When it’s a cool night, and there is a huge storm brewing outside, and thunder clangs, and you snuggle deep down in the warm covers? That safeness.
When you’re in a crowded place, and you smile at a little kid, and their face lights up and they get a huge grin? THAT.
That is how you make me feel.'

see? the whole para was like.
that's exactly how i feel!

apa2 pun
aku tanak berharap sangat about this crush thingy.
i mean.
they barely know me.
and i barely know them.
and it was like bertepuk sebelah tangan je.
tanak berharap sangat.

by the way,
about both of my crush:

Crush no.1:
He's tall,
Sawo Matang ( had to ask all my friends sawo matang tu ape)
ada muka macam Sam tsui sikit.
an athlete.
dia kadet polis,
rambut dia macam taylor lautner masa muda,
tu je.
tanak kasi too much information.
kalau ta nanti kawan2 sekolah aku tahu.

Crush no.2
the tall,dark and handsome type.
mata sepet,
rumah biru! syahbandar! sama. haha.
dia kadet polis gak.
ku selalu stalk fb dia. haha.
rambut dia curly  sikit.
body type: biasa but in cool way.
dia pakai messenger bag, kasut warna putih,
an athlete,
pergi sekolah naik moto.
hari tuh kalkulator aku jatuh dari kereta.
and at the same time dia lalu dekat sbelah kereta naik moto.
dalam hati wishing.:
please la langgar kalkulator tuh
biar dia jatuh, lepastuh aku be his knight in baju sekolah.
so that he'll notice me. haha.
berangan lebih2 lak. haha.
ok. tu je yang aku tahu dan yang aku ingat.
oh ye.
dia pakai helmet putih.

by the way.
aku rasa aku dengan dayat dah over dah.
semua dah end.
tapi aku ta rasa sedih sangat pun.
credit for picture
turns out.
he's not that perfect.
and pasal entry2 pasal dia tuh.
aku tanak delete.
let he be the chapter for the past.
a reminder for me.
sebenarnye best gak dah tade relay dengan dia.
bongok la kau Najwa.
tapi betul. haha.
dah la.
sekali dia baca ada pulaj dia pergi sound aku. pastu kene maki pula.

aku ta dapat nak bayangkan kalau crushes aku baca entry nih.
mesti blushing gila lah aku kalau aku dapat tahu diorang baca.
segan weyh.

that's all rasenye.
tadi tade fire drill.
sedih woo..
tiap kali bunyi loceng dalam hati aku wishing:
'harap2 la loceng ni dua minit'
tapi tidak.
siren pun ta kedengaran.
sedih tau.
hampa diriku.
takpe la.
maybe things will work out better next week.
hope so.
Insyaallah :D

gambar pernikahan yusri dan lisa surihani
yusry nampak macam arwah ayah aku.

oh ye.
Lisa Surihani and Yusry dah kahwin.
kalau korang tengok Lisa's solemnization dress,
aku suka gila!
aku rase nanti bila aku nak nikah aku nak yang lebih kurang gitu.
tapi lagi lawa ah.
and nampak ta Lisa punye kek hantaran kepada Yusry.
bentuk gramafon kan?
cool gila!
untungla Yusry. haha..

bye for now.
i have exams next week.
pray for me. thanks :)
love you all :D

p/s: I barely know you. But I have feelings for you.
p/p/s: nak minat kerjasama jasa baik korang yang baik gila nih :)
kalau rajin, please coment what do you want to hear more dekat blog nih.
be anoynamous if you like. kalau korang rajin je. sorry for the capctha or watever tah bende tuh.

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Thursday, February 23, 2012



dah lama ta update blog.
korang mesti dah rindu kat aku seteengah mati dah.

tajuk tu random je.
sebab tengah dengar lagu crush by David Archuleta.
terus teringat kat mr.Crush 2.

boleh ta ada dua crush?
boleh la~~~
boleh rasenye..
minta approval dari sendiri memang la boleh.

tadi kat sekolah ada buat fire drill.
kelas aku kelas paling dekat dengan padang.
and kalau nak dengar pengumuman atau bunyi locng memang susah la.

back to the fire drill.
waktu tu, cikgu kitorang ta masuk.
so kitorang pun buat la hw yang bertimbun tuh semua.
then sewaktu aku menari2 sambil nak buang cawan ice blended
yg dah kosong tuh,
aku tedengar bunyi siren.
and then.
mula2 aku ta sure sangat.
and then.
aku sure gila.
so aku pun terlompat2 kat depan tu cakap kat satu kelas aku
'wey! bunyi siren la!'
at first diorang blurr lagi.
and aku pun keep on lompat2
then diorang pun dengar jugak..
lepas tuh kitorang terus kluar.
the procedure as you all know it,
kene beratur luar kelas dulu kan?
tapi waktu tu aku terhenti depan pintu.
and aku ternampak one of my crush berlari2 anak.
and i was like..
oh my god! i see an angel running.

and then terlupa about the fire drill  tu sekejap and was like
petrified sebab nampak Sam Tsui Malaysia.
and then i was back to reality.
and then without following the procedure.
aku,lela,and daya jalan je.. haha.
budak2 lain beratur.
mungkin kami ni sangat excited.
aku pulak sebab nak keep up dengan S.Tsui. haha..

then kitoran pun sampai di padang.
waktu tuh,
disebab kan kelas aku and S.Tsui plaing dekat dengan padang,
It was like,
deserted sekejap.
ada dua kelas je kat situ dulu.
then lama2 baru datang kelas lain.
and then datang la kelas Crush no.2 aku.
have to admit.
aku lebih crush+crash kat crush kat no.2 nih.
and then he was like,
standing sebelah aku.
and my heart beat around like a bass~
it keeps booming over,booming over baby~
tapi buat donno jela.
his identity remain secret.
lepas i look at his face,
and he pun tegur la and we talk.
a bit.
and then,
cikgu2 suruh duduk.
dia duduk jauh sikit.
and i was like.
asal la dua2 crush aku ni jauh sangat!

and then masa cikgu2 tengah bebel tuh,
aku pun main la cabut2 rumput,
berborak dengan kawan aku,
capat kawan aku dah rentung la,
ta sempat nak selmatkan pembantu makmal la.
dak amy pulak dia cakap
'yeay~ sekolah dah terbakr. esok cuti."
pape jela kau emy.
out of the  blue.
ternampak muka Crush no.2 tuh.
the tall dark and handsome.
and i wass like.
aku selalu over reacted.
then he mouthed somthing at me.
and i know apa yang dia mouthkan.
about someone whom i hate right now.
and i was like.
no.! tak!
so aku pun buat la silang pangkah macam ultraman tuh.
kitorang pun dengar jjela cikgu cakap apa.
cuaca panas terik gila!
tapi takpe.
if that what i should do to be closer with both of my crush.
i'll stay there for a thousand years!

Aku bukan tak sabar, hanya tak ingin menanti
Karena berani memutuskan adalah juga kesabaran
Karena terkadang penantian
Membuka pintu-pintu syaithan”

Salim A. Fillah (via segelasairmasak)

aku tatau kenapa tahun ni aku:
kuat sangat berangan,
rush of hormones selalu sangat.
not going to let the feeling stop .

tadi mak aku tanye pendapat aku tentang iPhone 4s
and aku pun cerita kan jela specs tu sume
pastu aku pung cakap la..
boleh eh belikan untuk angah?
and mak aku macam..
tengokla dulu..
ada harapan lagi tuh..
bestnya kalau dapat!!

         Fairy tales might not exist but a                     blessed marriage from your creator will be far better than any love story..InshaAllah Ameen ♥ 
—  Reminders Benefit The Believers

by the way,
being a form four science student was tough.
susah weyh!
penat gila! ta cukup tidur kadang kala.
lepas tuh dengan tons of homework lagi..
penat weyh.
tapi tape la.
kalau nak jadi engineer kene toough.
You can do it Najwa!
i can. aha aha. i can.

aku selalu stalk crush aku.
normal la tuh kan.

by the way,
im so happy for my friend,i mean my bestfriend.
i mean, My BESTFRIEND!
Norhidayah Bt, Haris.
she's actually my twin.
im so happy because.
she's so happy.
she's so happy because he's found the guy.
yang make her smile.
and tiap kali aku pandang diorang was like.
jelaous I ~
hope they are happy together <3

tu je aku nak update.
kalau esok ada fore drill jugak.
insyaallah aku update.
aku tahu korang suka dengar pasal latihan lebakaran.
bye peeps.
love you all~
im falling for you S.Tsui Malaysia and mr.Crush <3


Antara ciri² suami pilihan.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

my own version of Safe and Sound.

oh frackalacking..

I remember tears streaming down my faceWhen you said, I'll never let you goWhen all those shadows almost killed my lightI remember you said,you wont leave me here aloneBut all that's dead and gone and passed tonight...

I'm closing my eyesThe sun is going downI'll be alrightNo one can hurt me nowCome morning lightYou and I'll be safe & sound...

 Darling,I didnt dare to look out of the window.Everything's on fireThe war outside our door keeps raging onHold onto this lullabyEven when the music's gone, gone

Im closing my eyesThe sun is going downI'll be alrightNo one can hurt me nowCome morning lightYou and I'll be safe & sound...

Oooooo, Oooooo,Oooooo, OoooooLala... Lala...Lala... Lala...

Oooooo, OooOoo,Oooooo, OooOooLala... Oh Lala...

Closing my eyes.I'll be alrightCome morning light,You and I'll be safe & sound...

Oooooo, OoooOooo,Oooooo, OoooOooo,Oooooo, OoooOooo,Oooooo, OoooOooo,

Oooooo, OoooOooo,Oooooo, OoooOooo...

where did all those promises go baby ?

I have a CRUSH!!
befeore i said any further.
it's not one of my classmates or whatver.
this is someone else.
but am not  going to..
you now.
and tell him.
i have my own dignity.
but im still with dayat.
which mkes me a bit guilty.
then, who ask you to pegi jauh2?
and ada know...tu.....

ok. lah.
baik aku buat karangan!!
klau ta nanti kene marah.
dahla haritu kene marah.
then kene berdiri sepanjang kelas.
aku dengan laila asyik curik2 duduk je.
sweeeet timmmeee...

ok lah.
of you go now!
love you all peeps!
and mr.Crush.

currently :D

p/s: teringat pulak lagu Paramore-Crush
p/p/s: cuba dengar 
lagu Skinny Love -Birdy.
serious best!!
p/p/p/s:weh.try la dengar lagu ni yang betulnye. Taylor Swift's

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