
I'm a 30 Seconds to Mars's Believer

I'm a 30 Seconds to Mars's Believer

Friday, February 24, 2012

heels up.


ok. '
entry ni mostly lots and lots and pictures.
but if you're too lazy,
just scroll down to the bottom.
that's my real entry <3

ni masa kecik2 je.

When your crush stares and smiles at you.



When i saw my crush:

that's all.
saje je.
been spending a LOT of time kat tumblr baca bende2 gitu.
and it really makes me feel glad.
at least.
bukan aku sorang je la yang phatetic dalam dunia nih
having a crush and he doesnt know a thing about it.
by the way.
when scrolling kat tumblr tadi,
ada satu blog yang cool sangat!
tumblrblog tu adalah a place where..
crushers tell what are they really feel about their crush
but didint have the guts to tell him.
and i was like.
and then ada la submit a coup or two kat situ. haha

here's the site's link:
or this one kalau korang nak post feelings gak:

and dalam banyak2 letters to crush kat situ,
aku palaing minat gila yang nih:

'I suck at displaying my emotions with you. I do. And I hate it.
So here. (I’ll work on the in person thing.)
You know when you have a really really great dream, and you’re super happy, and then you kinda wake up halfway, and drift back off to sleep, hoping to keep the dream? You know the feeling when you get that awesome dream back immediately and continue with it? Yeah. That feeling.
When you have to take a walk, run or bike ride somewhere and the sun is shining, and it’s warm, but not too hot, and the grass is really green and the bees are buzzing? That happiness.
When it’s a cool night, and there is a huge storm brewing outside, and thunder clangs, and you snuggle deep down in the warm covers? That safeness.
When you’re in a crowded place, and you smile at a little kid, and their face lights up and they get a huge grin? THAT.
That is how you make me feel.'

see? the whole para was like.
that's exactly how i feel!

apa2 pun
aku tanak berharap sangat about this crush thingy.
i mean.
they barely know me.
and i barely know them.
and it was like bertepuk sebelah tangan je.
tanak berharap sangat.

by the way,
about both of my crush:

Crush no.1:
He's tall,
Sawo Matang ( had to ask all my friends sawo matang tu ape)
ada muka macam Sam tsui sikit.
an athlete.
dia kadet polis,
rambut dia macam taylor lautner masa muda,
tu je.
tanak kasi too much information.
kalau ta nanti kawan2 sekolah aku tahu.

Crush no.2
the tall,dark and handsome type.
mata sepet,
rumah biru! syahbandar! sama. haha.
dia kadet polis gak.
ku selalu stalk fb dia. haha.
rambut dia curly  sikit.
body type: biasa but in cool way.
dia pakai messenger bag, kasut warna putih,
an athlete,
pergi sekolah naik moto.
hari tuh kalkulator aku jatuh dari kereta.
and at the same time dia lalu dekat sbelah kereta naik moto.
dalam hati wishing.:
please la langgar kalkulator tuh
biar dia jatuh, lepastuh aku be his knight in baju sekolah.
so that he'll notice me. haha.
berangan lebih2 lak. haha.
ok. tu je yang aku tahu dan yang aku ingat.
oh ye.
dia pakai helmet putih.

by the way.
aku rasa aku dengan dayat dah over dah.
semua dah end.
tapi aku ta rasa sedih sangat pun.
credit for picture
turns out.
he's not that perfect.
and pasal entry2 pasal dia tuh.
aku tanak delete.
let he be the chapter for the past.
a reminder for me.
sebenarnye best gak dah tade relay dengan dia.
bongok la kau Najwa.
tapi betul. haha.
dah la.
sekali dia baca ada pulaj dia pergi sound aku. pastu kene maki pula.

aku ta dapat nak bayangkan kalau crushes aku baca entry nih.
mesti blushing gila lah aku kalau aku dapat tahu diorang baca.
segan weyh.

that's all rasenye.
tadi tade fire drill.
sedih woo..
tiap kali bunyi loceng dalam hati aku wishing:
'harap2 la loceng ni dua minit'
tapi tidak.
siren pun ta kedengaran.
sedih tau.
hampa diriku.
takpe la.
maybe things will work out better next week.
hope so.
Insyaallah :D

gambar pernikahan yusri dan lisa surihani
yusry nampak macam arwah ayah aku.

oh ye.
Lisa Surihani and Yusry dah kahwin.
kalau korang tengok Lisa's solemnization dress,
aku suka gila!
aku rase nanti bila aku nak nikah aku nak yang lebih kurang gitu.
tapi lagi lawa ah.
and nampak ta Lisa punye kek hantaran kepada Yusry.
bentuk gramafon kan?
cool gila!
untungla Yusry. haha..

bye for now.
i have exams next week.
pray for me. thanks :)
love you all :D

p/s: I barely know you. But I have feelings for you.
p/p/s: nak minat kerjasama jasa baik korang yang baik gila nih :)
kalau rajin, please coment what do you want to hear more dekat blog nih.
be anoynamous if you like. kalau korang rajin je. sorry for the capctha or watever tah bende tuh.

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